Hapless entertainer Jim Ryan pits his characters against each other in a series of no-holds-barred debates covering anything and everything about role-playing games. But can he do it in under five minutes? Tune in and find out!


I delight in feedback! Send it my way!

E-mail: debategreat@gmail.com

Jim on Google+
Jim on Twitter
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Jim on MySpace
Jim on LinkedIn
Jim on Livejournal

Jim's Blog

Feel free to check out my blog, where I attempt to unravel the mysteries of geek culture and then cover them back up with something equally inexplicable.
Jim - Yes, THAT Jim

Crucible of Realms

This is another podcast I do with some friends of mine in which we build a new setting each episode!
Crucible of Realms

Every World News

This is yet another podcast of mine, chock full of major news events from various alternate realities!
The Every World News Podcast

War Pig!

You can hear the newest episodes and many more gaming-related shows on
War Pig Radio


Comedy Short
The Great Debate! Episodes
Actual Play





February 2010
  1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Theme Music

The theme for the Great Debate! is "Busybody" by Jason Shaw.


Jim Ryan - The Great Debate! - The Great Debate!

Abject Podcastery

Suffering from podcast addiction? Can't get enough of that dangerous and delectable podcast nectar?

Here, let me enable you:

Atomic Array
Bear Swarm!
Bell's In The Batfry
Brilliant Gameologists
Fear the Boot
Have Games, Will Travel
International Detective Dragons From Outer Space
I Should Be Writing
Master Plan
The Adventures of Indiana Jim
The Clockwork Cabaret
The Game's the Thing
The Gamer Traveler
The Podge Cast
The Walking Eye
The WEIRD Show
This Modern Death
White Wolf Blogcast


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Is it better to use a pre-existing setting or one that's home-brewed?  Our resident demonologist and a lunk-headed superhero load up their intellectual artillery on the subject and fire it at one another.

Reverend Jedediah Black, Demonologist
Captain Radiant of the Integrity Force

Shoutout & Tarrasque Poetry:
Jeff Greiner - The Tome Show

Direct download: Great_Debate_049.mp3
Category:The Great Debate! Episodes -- posted at: 2:39pm EST

Is it a good idea for GMs to pregenerate PCs for their campaigns?  A clone and a college professor talk about it.

Solomon Eldridge, Professor of Anthropology at Miskatonic University
Bob 3, Troubleshooter Clone from the Great Biodome (voiced by Jeff Greiner)

Direct download: Great_Debate_048.mp3
Category:The Great Debate! Episodes -- posted at: 5:38pm EST

Which genre offers a better choice of playable creatures?  Fantasy or Science Fiction?  A spaceship pilot and a dwarven skyship engineer attempt to discuss the matter - hopefully without getting into a dogfight!

Major Hal Cross of the Interstellar Fleet (voiced by David Selby)
Soren Magnus, Chief Engineer of the Dwarven Skyship Flying Hammer

Direct download: Great_Debate_047.mp3
Category:The Great Debate! Episodes -- posted at: 10:15pm EST

A recording of myself running a quick game of ACTION CASTLE for some bored folks at Dragon*Con who were waiting for a panel to start.

Parsely Games
The Walking Eye

Direct download: AC_AP_01.mp3
Category:Actual Play -- posted at: 10:58pm EST

Episode XLVI - Background Noise

How important is having a background story for your campaign?  A bounty hunter and a cleric sit down and chat amenably about the subject.

Father Vernon Corey, High Priest of the Temple of St. Wilford
Dr. Joseph "Doc" Anthrax

Direct download: Great_Debate_046.mp3
Category:The Great Debate! Episodes -- posted at: 3:12pm EST

Not Going to GenCon - 2010

I didn't get to go to GenCon and decided to record a chat about it!  I commiserated with three other folks (Kim, Jason and Kent) who also didn't get to go this year.  Fair warning: we rambled for about half an hour!

Jason's Blog Kim's Audio Projects

For full show notes, go here.

Direct download: NGtGC_2010.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:21pm EST

Episode XLV - Getting a Transfer Slip

Is it a good idea to bring an old PC into a new game?  A cyber-hacker and a government agent delve into what it means to transfer your character.

Reflux (Live via the Neural Net)
Special Agent Jack McCandless

Intro by Katharina of the Every Photo Tells podcast.

Direct download: Great_Debate_045.mp3
Category:The Great Debate! Episodes -- posted at: 9:54pm EST

Episode XLIV - House Arrest

Are house rules the way to go when running an RPG or are they a bad idea?  A pirate and a futuristic military grunt take each other to task on the issue.

Darin Payne, Captain of the Ironblood
Sgt. Dan Saunders of the Planetary Exploration Force (voiced by Indiana Jim)

Shoutout & Promo:
Indiana Jim Perry - Codename: Starkeeper

Direct download: Great_Debate_044.mp3
Category:The Great Debate! Episodes -- posted at: 4:38pm EST

Episode XLIII - The Book Was Better

Is it a good idea to adapt an RPG from another source, such as a series of novels?  Our two undead panelists ponder the pros and cons of adaptation.

Panelists: Baron Thandor Karn of the Dark Basin Lord Connor Shadowbane

Announcement: Go check out the 2010 Podcast Listener Survey!

Shoutout & Promo: Mark, Carol & Mags - All Games Considered

Direct download: Great_Debate_043.mp3
Category:The Great Debate! Episodes -- posted at: 10:06pm EST

Episode XLII - The PC's Pain Falls Mainly on the Planes

Is planar travel cool and exciting or is it just a tool to help the Game Master mess with the players?  A college professor and a dwarf engineer debate the subject.

Solomon Eldridge, Professor of Anthropology at Miskatonic University
Soren Magnus, Chief Engineer of the Dwarven Skyship Flying Hammer

Direct download: Great_Debate_042.mp3
Category:The Great Debate! Episodes -- posted at: 6:59pm EST

Episode XLI - My Power Source is Bigger Than Yours

Listen in as an old feud between two fantasy characters comes burbling to the surface.  A wizard and a cleric face off to discuss which kind of power is better: Arcane or Divine?

Archwizard Avan Brightstar, Vizier to the Elven Court of Neverrest
Father Vernon Corey, High Priest of the Temple of St. Wilford

Direct download: Great_Debate_041.mp3
Category:The Great Debate! Episodes -- posted at: 12:41am EST

Episode XL - Lawyering Up

Is the guy who always knows the rules a help or a nuisance? A samurai and a superhero talk about the place of rules lawyers in RPGs.

Masato Nakajima, Samurai to the Court of Orange Blossoms
Captain Radiant of the Integrity Force

Direct download: Great_Debate_040.mp3
Category:The Great Debate! Episodes -- posted at: 11:31pm EST

Episode XXXIX - Juggling GMs

Is it a good idea to rotate Game Masters in an ongoing campaign?  Listen in as preacher and a hacker toss the issue back and forth between them like a rag doll!

Reverend Jedediah Black, Demonologist
Reflux (Live via the Neural Net)

Shameless Self-Promotion: The Every World News Podcast

Direct download: Great_Debate_039.mp3
Category:The Great Debate! Episodes -- posted at: 10:49pm EST