Fri, 31 December 2010
Panelists: Shoutout & Tarrasque Poetry: |
Mon, 22 November 2010
Is it a good idea for GMs to pregenerate PCs for their campaigns? A clone and a college professor talk about it. Panelists: |
Tue, 19 October 2010
Which genre offers a better choice of playable creatures? Fantasy or Science Fiction? A spaceship pilot and a dwarven skyship engineer attempt to discuss the matter - hopefully without getting into a dogfight! Panelists: |
Wed, 8 September 2010
A recording of myself running a quick game of ACTION CASTLE for some bored folks at Dragon*Con who were waiting for a panel to start. |
Wed, 25 August 2010
How important is having a background story for your campaign? A bounty hunter and a cleric sit down and chat amenably about the subject. Panelists |
Mon, 9 August 2010
I didn't get to go to GenCon and decided to record a chat about it! I commiserated with three other folks (Kim, Jason and Kent) who also didn't get to go this year. Fair warning: we rambled for about half an hour! Jason's Blog Kim's Audio Projects For full show notes, go here. |
Thu, 22 July 2010
Is it a good idea to bring an old PC into a new game? A cyber-hacker and a government agent delve into what it means to transfer your character. Panelists: Intro by Katharina of the Every Photo Tells podcast. |
Mon, 14 June 2010
Are house rules the way to go when running an RPG or are they a bad idea? A pirate and a futuristic military grunt take each other to task on the issue. Panelists: Shoutout & Promo: |
Sun, 9 May 2010
Is it a good idea to adapt an RPG from another source, such as a series of novels? Our two undead panelists ponder the pros and cons of adaptation. Panelists: Baron Thandor Karn of the Dark Basin Lord Connor Shadowbane Announcement: Go check out the 2010 Podcast Listener Survey! Shoutout & Promo: Mark, Carol & Mags - All Games Considered |
Thu, 1 April 2010
Is planar travel cool and exciting or is it just a tool to help the Game Master mess with the players? A college professor and a dwarf engineer debate the subject. Panelists: |
Thu, 18 March 2010
Listen in as an old feud between two fantasy characters comes burbling to the surface. A wizard and a cleric face off to discuss which kind of power is better: Arcane or Divine? Panelists: |
Wed, 10 March 2010
Is the guy who always knows the rules a help or a nuisance? A samurai and a superhero talk about the place of rules lawyers in RPGs. Panelists: |
Tue, 2 March 2010
Is it a good idea to rotate Game Masters in an ongoing campaign? Listen in as preacher and a hacker toss the issue back and forth between them like a rag doll! Panelists: Shameless Self-Promotion: The Every World News Podcast |